denuncia collettiva

The trial begins for extortion against the merchant from Ciminna who opposed the extortion with the support of Addiopizzo.

A few months after the investigations and the execution of the preventive custody order, the trial begins for the extortion of a merchant operating in the municipality of Ciminna. At today's first hearing, where the defendants chose the ordinary procedure, we became a...

After the arson at the beach establishment and its reconstruction, the trial begins with Addiopizzo joining the extortion victim as a civil party

A few months after the arrests, the trial of 26 individuals accused of belonging to the Trabia mafia clan, in the province of Palermo, began today before the preliminary hearing judge at the Palermo court. The charges brought against them include, among others, mafia...

Free medical check-ups for children and teenagers participating in inclusion activities in the ‘Kalsa’ neighborhood with Addiopizzo

Sports are a right for everyone, but it's equally important to ensure that those who participate can do so safely, with access to mandatory medical check-ups. For this reason, alongside the launch of social inclusion activities and efforts to combat educational...


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