What we do

Victim assistance

Today it is easier to rebel against the Mafia because YOU ARE NOT ALONE ANYMORE


Those who resist extortion demands and usury can count on the support laws and institutions, but also on the strength of the Association and the entire community that is mobilized alongside them.


+39 327 9061172


This is active 24 hours a day and is a number dedicated to urgent cases: to report extortion attempts, usury, threats, damage, theft and other forms of intimidation. For more information, see the section “Victim assistance“.

Our support

Assistance in reporting and in courtroom

From the very beginning, our association has carried out listening work and free support to victims of extortion. We created a specific help desk made up of professionals and volunteers.

First step: reporting to the police

Addiopizzo accompanies the entrepreneur to the police, to report the extortion demands or loan sharking. It interacts with the judicial authority and the law enforcement, in order to implement the most appropriate strategies to guarantee the safety of the victim.

The dialogue among Addiopizzo, the victim and the criminal justice system continue during the investigations, in order to monitor step by step the evolution of the events.

You too can rely on Addiopizzo’s many years of experience, which will accompany you on the delicate path of reporting, provide you with the necessary information and advice and operate to minimize the risk of overexposure.

What are the benefits?
Reporting is a choice of freedom. Every human being has the right of freedom and every entrepreneur has the right to be free in the exercise of their business activity. With the help of Addiopizzo, a difficult period could become the opportunity for a winning and decisive turning point.

Assistance in courtroom

Once the investigation phase is over, our lawyers will take care of the legal representation and of the civil action. This is brought on behalf of you as a victim and on behalf of Addiopizzo, which will remain by your side during the entire trial.
The lawyers will take part in the hearings of the trial and will be able to constantly update you and the Association. They will inform you about the procedural developments and will evaluate further actions aimed at strengthening your position. Learn more…

What are the benefits?
The lawyers of Addiopizzo will defend you free of charge in the criminal trial.
Bringing a civil party means protecting your rights as a victim. It allows you to request compensation of the damages (moral and non-pecuniary) that you suffered for the attempted or consummated extortion.
Thanks to the Italian Law n. 512 of 1999, any compensation estabilished by the judges will be directly paid to the victim by the Ministry of the Interior.

Extra-trial legal assistance

Providing that the conditions established by the laws exist, you will be supported free of charge for accessing the ‘Solidarity Fund for victims of extortion and usury’, governed by the Italian Laws n. 44/1999 and 108 / 1996, and for the recognition of the benefits provided by The Regione Sicilia Law n.15/2008, when the relative fund has the financial resources.
Specifically, Addiopizzo assists you in submitting the application to access the aforementioned benefits and the procedural process will follow, speaking with the competent organism.

To know more

Psychological support

Lo psicologo dell’Associazione svolge per te, gratuitamente, un’attività di counseling e di supporto psicologico e, ove necessario, estende tale attività anche ai tuoi familiari. Si tratta di un ciclo di incontri incentrati su ascolto, definizione del problema e valutazione.

Qualora si ritenga necessario, potrà essere organizzato un incontro anche con i tuoi dipendenti o collaboratori dell’azienda. Il senso di tale supporto è quello di fare in modo che possa recuperare serenità e normalità per affrontare le nuove sfide imprenditoriali che ti attendono.

Business counseling

Il professionista ti supporterà gratuitamente, suggerendo, ove necessario, misure organizzative e scelte strategiche per fronteggiare situazioni di potenziale rischio. Inoltre, il nostro esperto si occuperà, ove sussistano i presupposti previsti dalle leggi di riferimento, della quantificazione del danno emergente e/o del mancato guadagno ai fini dell’accesso al Fondo di solidarietà per le vittime di estorsione e dell’usura, nonché della definizione dei piani di ammortamento e investimento.

Il nostro professionista ti consiglierà scelte aziendali finalizzate a ridurre l’impatto di eventuali situazioni di intimidazione ambientale e/o danni generatisi a seguito della scelta di denuncia. Ove necessario, potrà affiancarti nell’interlocuzione con i fornitori e con gli istituti di credito.

Victim assistance

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What we do


What we do