The stories of those who oppose extortion with the support of Addiopizzo


With Giovanni Sala’s story we inaugurate a new column on our website that will periodically recount the journey of those who, with the support of Addiopizzo, have managed to break free from extortion.
We open this space with a story that comes from Altofonte, on the outskirts of Palermo, where for seventeen long years Giovanni, owner of a quarry, was forced to suffer threats and extortion perpetrated by various members of Cosa Nostra. Seventeen long years of loneliness, oppression and submission until the building contractor matured the strength and courage to shake off the burden of the extortion racket.
We were able to support and partake in Giovanni’s journey of rebellion from the moment he pressed charges. We have, together, faced the trial that has since concluded and where he also testified. We have promoted initiatives and moments of reflection to raise awareness in the social and economic fabric of Altofonte, which remains one of the centers in the Palermo area where the work of magistrates and law enforcement has been and remains fundamental in creating the best conditions to prevent and counter Cosa Nostra.
Today Giovanni is a free entrepreneur, definitively freed from extortion, and he continues to carry out his economic activity successfully in his home town of Altofonte: where he has always lived and worked.


Diciassette anni di tormenti: imprenditore denuncia il pizzo, 4 arresti ad Altofonte

Estorsioni a un imprenditore di Altofonte, in 4 a giudizio

Il titolare di una cava ad Altofonte. “I soldi li chiedeva l’amico d’infanzia”


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