The trial begins for extortion against the merchant from Ciminna who opposed the extortion with the support of Addiopizzo.


A few months after the investigations and the execution of the preventive custody order, the trial begins for the extortion of a merchant operating in the municipality of Ciminna.

At today’s first hearing, where the defendants chose the ordinary procedure, we became a civil party alongside the victim who, with the support of Addiopizzo, opposed the extortion attempts.

It all began last July when we were contacted by a merchant from the province of Palermo who had been subjected to extortion for some time in the management of his bar and tobacco shop. In this case too, we supported and accompanied the victim in filing a complaint, who found the strength and courage to stand up against the extortion racket.

In a short time, thanks to the complaint made by the merchant supported by Addiopizzo, the Carabinieri and magistrates identified the individuals now on trial and reconstructed the extortion episodes and threats suffered by the victim.

The provincial area remains a complex territory where Cosa Nostra has historically maintained strong territorial control, perhaps even more so than in the city of Palermo itself.

In this context, we initiated a listening and support process alongside the merchant, which led, in coordination with the magistrates of the Palermo Anti-Mafia District Directorate and the Carabinieri, to the recounting and official recording of the events suffered.

The cooperation of the victim, accompanied by Addiopizzo in reporting the crime, and the investigations carried out by law enforcement and judicial authorities, represent a consolidated modus operandi that demonstrates how it is possible to free oneself from extortion promptly and safely.

This case confirms the fundamental role of economic operators in ensuring that the valuable work of investigative bodies and judicial authorities can achieve even faster and more significant results, as seen in the investigation’s outcomes today.


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