Attività e progetti addiopizzo



Liberation in progress!

The aim of the project is to provide the victims of extortion and usury with coordinated and continuous assistance, in order t io re-integrate into the legal economy healthy and stable entreprises, free from criminal conditioning.
Pago chi non paga


For over 15 years, Addiopizzo has been carrying out listening and support activities for victims of extortion, free of charge, with a selected team of professionals and volunteers of the association.
Today a further stage has been added: the “LINERAZIONE IN CORSO” project, funded under the National Operational Program “Legality” 2014-2020.

The aim of the project is to provide the victims of extortion and usury with coordinated and continuous assistance, in order t io re-integrate into the legal economy healthy and stable entreprises, free from criminal conditioning.

Provided individually by professionals and with the support of the many years of experience of the association, the assistance activities will place the victim into a supportive network, to win over isolation.
The prvided services include maximum confidentiality and a qualified staff of lawyers, psychologists and business consultants.



Legal consultant – Avv. Maurizio Gemell
, Cassation lawyer of the Court of Palermo. For several years, he has been assisting entrepreneurs who have been victims of mafia extortion racket. Professor on contract since 2001, teacher of the Specialization School “G. Scaduto” University of Palermo, author of several publications in legal journals specialized in criminal procedural law, speaker in numerous seminars and conferences on supranational criminal justice.

Psychological consultant – Dr. Ignazio Accomando
, Psychologist, systemic psychotherapist, specialised in criminology, expert in social intervention projects.

Business consultant – Dr. Vito Marsala
Accountant, he worked on the evaluation of the economic damage and business impact deriving from extortion, using financial statements and corporate documents of the extorted victims. Supervisor at PricewaterhouseCoopers since 2018, he is HR Manager at Aeroviaggi SpA. He gained excellent experience in auditing at PwC, where he followed several national and international companies and groups.



Legal assistance
Legal support activities for access to the Solidarity Fund, governed by the Italian law n. 44/1999 e n. 108/1996; legal support for the recognition of the benefits provided for by Sicilian regional law n. 15/2008.

What are the benefits?
The consultant will assist you in submitting an application to access the benefits granted by law in favor of the victims of racketeering and usury and will follow the procedural process, speaking with the competent administrations.

Business Consulting
Business-economic support activity aimed at overcoming the crisis of the entreprise. Our expert will quantify the emerging damage and / or loss of earnings, preliminary to access the Solidarity Fund of the Law n. 44/1999 and n. 108/1996, as well as the definition of depreciation and investment plans.
The consultant will support the company by suggesting, where necessary, organizational measures and strategic choices to deal with situations of potential risk.

What are the benefits?
A professional will advise you on business choices aimed at reducing the impact of any situations of environmental intimidation and / or damage, consequence of the choice to report. Where necessary, he will be able to assist you with with suppliers and credit institutions.

Psychological Counseling
Psychological support activities for victims and, where necessary, family members. A series of meetings will be focused on listening, problem definition and evaluation.
A meeting with the employees or collaborators of the company can be organized too.

What are the benefits?
Recover serenity and normality, as this is the precondition to face the new business challenges.



+39 327 9061172 H24 phone number dedicated to urgent cases. To report extortion attempts, usury, threats, damage, theft and other forms of intimidation.

For all other needs you can contact us at:
091 5084262



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Liberation in progress!

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